Parasites are unusually hardy. For example, they can wait for their "master" for years while they are in the egg or larvae stage. Entering the body, ie the environment favorable for life, parasites enter the active phase of existence, causing damage to human health.

Residents around the world suffer from parasitic infections. Experts believe that about 90% of the population of countries with a high level of development is infected with this or another human parasite. It is necessary to know the ways of infection with parasites and the symptoms of their presence in the body in order to avoid possible health complications.
Symptoms of human parasites
The development of tourism worldwide is a prerequisite for the smooth migration of a wide range of parasites. In addition, it is worth noting that in the process of evolution, these organisms have developed high resistance to environmental conditions and survival.
Where can parasites be caught?
Parasites are waiting for their new "host" on various surfaces, in sinks, sinks, toilets, natural reservoirs.

The simplest parasites - lamblia are widespread in preschool institutions: they can infect a child by elementary diaper changes and / or violation of sanitary rules.
There is a high risk of infection with helminths (fungi) in restaurants.
The level of the institution does not guarantee 100% protection against infection. Parasites enter the human body together with raw fish (sushi), undercooked meat (pork), with underwashed vegetables, fruits and herbs.
Cooking food in a microwave oven has the potential to spread parasitic infection: food heats up unevenly in a microwave oven. As a last resort, this oven should be used for heating, but not for cooking.
Tap water is a favorable environment for all types of organisms. And chlorination does not destroy Giardia and Cryptosporidium.
Domestic animals are active distributors of helminths (especially cats). If you don't have a pet, you can get infected through the ground in parks, sandpits and playgrounds, because they walk there with dogs.

Parasites find us easily, but we find them hard.
Parasites cannot always be detected by simple (faecal analysis, ovum and parasite test) or modern diagnostic methods. Amoebic infection, for example, has been reported in only 1 in 10 cases of stool examination.
This means that a negative test result for the presence of parasites does not guarantee the absence of the latter.
Parasites disguise themselves as other diseases
- Behind the apparent syndrome of chronic fatigue and candidiasis, giardiasis can be successfully hidden;
- Ulcerative colitis will prove to be a case of amoebiasis;
- Migraine, depression are manifested by toxoplasmosis;
- Ocal worms act as a pathogenic factor in allergies and asthma, atopic dermatitis, eczema in the younger age group;
- There is a hypothesis about the connection between type 1 diabetes mellitus and helminths (tapeworms);
- It was a precedent for the treatment of hyperactivity and attention deficit syndrome after the removal of pinworms;
- Convulsions are possible when infected with swine tapeworm;
- Blastocytosis is a trigger for leaking intestines, leading to autoimmune disorders and food allergies.
Signs of parasitic infection
- Diseases of autoimmune nature;
- anemia;
- Sleep problems, gnashing of teeth. The parasites are activated at night and during the full moon phase. If insomnia is felt during the full moon - think about it;
- Damage to the skin and mucous membranes: rash, acne, nail fungus, eczema, irritation / itching of the skin and mucous membranes of the nose, ears, eyes, anus, vesicles on the lower lip and oral mucosa;
- Nail biting;
- Emotional instability: irritability, anxiety, depression, mood swings. Parasites secrete neurotoxins.
- Chronic fatigue;
- Weight problems: loss of appetite or, conversely, strong appetite, cravings for sweets, obesity, underweight in children.
- Episodic increase in body temperature;
- Dark circles under the eyes;
- food allergy. The most common latent allergy to dairy products;
- Nocturnal enuresis;
- Diseases of the genitourinary system: impotence, erectile dysfunction, prostate disease, PMS and menstrual cycle, cysts and fibroids, fluid retention;
- Change in the size of the liver and / or spleen;
- Loss of muscle mass, muscle weakness, cramps and numbness of the upper and lower extremities;
- Infections of chronic and recurrent nature: viral, bacterial and fungal (recurrent candidiasis);
- Sweating at night;
- Unpleasant "aroma" of body and breath.

The most striking symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract:
- excess saliva,
- itching around the anus,
- gallbladder problems,
- heartburn, hemorrhoids,
- gas generation,
- prison,
- diarrhea,
- vomit
- intolerance to gluten, casein and lactose.
It is characterized by alternating constipation and diarrhea.
Alarming symptoms of parasitic infection are:
- cider from bacterial overgrowth
- irritable bowel syndrome and irritable bowel disease.
As you can see, it is not so easy to determine the presence of parasites in the body. But certain alarms and conditions should alert you.
P. S. And remember, just by changing your spending, we change the world together!