Many types of helminths can parasitize the human body, so there are various tests to detect them. Each diagnostic event has its own percentage of reliability and is characterized by certain implementation characteristics.
Many types of helminths can parasitize the human body, so there are various tests to detect them. Each diagnostic event has its own percentage of reliability and is characterized by certain implementation characteristics.

Fortunately, unique techniques have been developed to detect parasite infestation at an early stage and start treatment on time.
What tests do you need to pass to detect worms?
To determine the presence of parasites, one analysis is not always enough, because at different stages of development, worms manifest in their own way.
There are main types of analysis:
- Preventive. Enable timely detection of helminthiasis. This can be done even in the absence of typical symptoms. It is recommended to conduct the study once a year.
- Barrier. Reduce the risk of parasites spreading among the population. It is considered mandatory when obtaining a medical booklet.
- By doctor's order. Analyzes are given if there are characteristic signs of helminthic invasion: nausea, itching in the anus, abdominal pain and fatigue.
You will need to pass several tests to accurately determine the presence of worms. In addition, some of them pass several times.
Fecal analysis of parasites
Faecal analysis is the simplest analysis performed in any district clinic. The results show the presence of worm eggs in the stool. It contains helminth eggs.
Mature individuals can lay thousands of eggs a day. Some of them spread throughout the body with blood. But fortunately, most come naturally.
In order for the analysis to be reliable, it is necessary to:
- You have to go up to 3 times. This is because the risk of swallowing eggs by a healthy person is high, although this does not mean that they will become infected immediately.
- Cal is given in a time interval of 7 days.
- Feces are taken from different locations.
It is not necessary to collect the material in the morning, it can be done in the evening, but it can be stored for no more than one day and in a cool place.
If a large number of eggs are detected during the study, no other analysis is required.
Complete blood count for worm detection
Such a study has been known to everyone since childhood. Basically, blood is taken from a finger, but sometimes from a vein. Research will quickly determine the cause of any disease.
Usually a person does not suspect having worms. It is therefore important that the doctor finds out about the symptoms that are characteristic of the infection.
This analysis is capable of:
- Determine the cause of the symptoms.
- Detect the presence of parasites in the blood.
- Confirm the presence of other pathologies.
There is a misconception that helminths live only in the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, many species, once they penetrate the stomach, then penetrate the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. This is not without serious consequences. The parasites leave a trail, which doctors detect in the blood.
Finding information about this study is not easy, and the term itself is not known to many. In fact, for the patient, this is a blood donation procedure for general analysis. Differences in laboratory studies themselves.
Chemotest task:
- Determination of immunity of any product by the body.
- What is the reaction to them.
Basically, this study is prescribed by a doctor. The chemotest is able to detect parasites that cannot be detected in any other way. This study is considered the most reliable.
Various manipulations are performed on the blood taken from the patient. It is affected by biological and chemical substances, observing the reaction. It is different, and some indicate the presence of helminths.
Such a test is quite complicated and is not performed in every clinic. The result is known after 2-5 days. In the presence of parasites, the test will give a positive reaction.
PCR analysis for worm detection
This diagnosis is considered a precise and modern method of research. PCR analysis can detect the presence of bacteria, intracellular parasites and viruses. Blood and other body fluids are taken for analysis. If the presence of worms is suspected, feces are used for research.
Detection of even a few DNA fragments of the parasite in the biomaterial indicates helminthic invasion. PCR analysis is quite simple, the result is known after a few hours. This is facilitated by the use of special equipment. You can't do a lot of additional research with this test, but you will quickly get the desired result.
Unfortunately, not every clinic has such equipment, and the cost of this analysis is quite high.
ELISA blood test to detect worms

Experts call the enzyme immunoassay for parasites the most popular and reliable analysis today.
The main purpose of this high-precision laboratory method is to detect antibodies to a specific type of parasite in the blood. Immunoglobulins (also called antibodies) are a natural reaction of the immune system and are intended to neutralize a negative agent.
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) shows a change in antibodies in the blood. The study is excellent for identifying parasites.
It is divided into 2 phases:
- immune system response. It can bind molecules, microorganisms and cellular elements that need to be detected.
- enzymatic reaction. You can visually assess the results of the reaction.
Serological blood test
With the help of this laboratory method, infectious diseases are detected, as well as the stages of their development.
This test allows:
- Determine the patient's immune status. When infected with parasites, the immune system is significantly weakened.
- Detects the presence in the blood of bacteria that have caused a decrease in immunity.
Otherwise, this study is used to determine blood type.
Blood test for Giardia
This analysis is considered to be of the highest quality. It consists of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The analysis determines the density of antibodies to worms of a particular species.
When they become infected, IgM antibodies appear in the blood, and after 2 weeks - IgA and IgG.
The results of the study show Giardia infection up to 95%.
This analysis is also prescribed to assess the effectiveness of treatment. If the number of parasites decreases, then the recovery method is chosen correctly.
A swab is taken to diagnose enterobiasis, ie the presence of pinworm in the body.
Scraping is performed in the following ways:
- Using a special spatula or ordinary cotton swab.
- Using adhesive tape.
This test is considered more effective than a regular stool test. It can be done alone or in a clinic. It is necessary to take a cotton swab or tape and make a swab in the anus.
Do not follow before the procedure. If scraping is done at home, a spatula or adhesive tape (glued to the glass) is placed in an airtight container and carried to the laboratory. For a more precise result, the analysis is given several times.
When and where should I get tested for worms?
Parasite tests must be taken with obvious symptoms of helminthic invasion: asthenia, digestive problems, sudden weight loss and dermatological diseases. In addition, the diagnosis of the presence of helminths is necessary in situations where a person has been treated for a long time for a chronic disease and recovery is not coming. Often, the pathology is not caused by physiological problems, but by the presence of parasites in the body.

Tests are mandatory for the following symptoms:
- Itching in the anus.
- Dysbacteriosis.
- Abundant salivation.
- Pale skin.
- Urinary incontinence.
- Constipation that turns into diarrhea.
- Abdominal pain of different localization.
- In women, the menstrual cycle is disturbed.
The analysis is given:
- at the district clinic.
- In a medical research laboratory.
- In a private clinic.
The main thing is that the medical institution has the necessary equipment and qualified staff.
What tests are done to detect parasites?
Basically, one analysis is enough to detect worms in the body.
- Pass cal.
- Make a scraper.
Verification of these analyzes is done quickly. In most cases, they are sufficient to identify parasites. Sometimes a blood test is prescribed, but this procedure is more complicated, painful and expensive.
Interpretation of the results is performed by the attending physician. Based on the indicators, the specialist makes the final diagnosis and selects the therapeutic program.
Preparation for worm detection tests
It should be noted that no special training is required. But there are some guidelines and limitations.
They are as follows:
- Before passing the analysis, it is necessary to eat mostly light food or refuse it completely.
- You must stop taking the medicine 3 days before the test. Some drug components may skew the outcome of the study.
Be sure to tell your doctor about existing illnesses. This includes pressure spikes, possible fainting and poor blood clotting.
Every person who cares about their health must be checked for the presence of worms. Helminthiasis is considered a dangerous disease. Worms absorb substances needed by the human body and release toxins. It is therefore advisable to identify parasites in time so that they do not have time to cause serious damage to health.